Girl Scout Thin Mints Vs. Keebler Grasshoppers

Girl Scout Cookies
My Girl Scout Cookie Haul

I’ve often wondered why someone would buy Girl Scout Cookie Thin Mints when there is a facsimile available in the form of Keebler Grasshoppers. Apparently I’m not the only one who has pondered this cookie dilemma.

Keebler – Fudgeshoppe Grasshopper Cookies

Girl Scout Cookie Thin Mint, Nabisco Keebler Grass Hopper
Girl Scout Cookie Thin Mint, Keebler Grass Hopper

I would have to disagree with the linked bloggers. The Thin Mints have a much mintier taste, and due to the larger size, more crunchiness per cookie. Eating a couple consecutively results in a nice cookie slurry in your mouth. The grasshoppers DO have more of a fudgey taste, but it’s not what I’m looking for.

Both cookies are best right out of the freezer.

Girl Scout Thin Mints are the clear winner in my mind. I think I paid $3.50 a box? See you local girl scout for details or ebay.

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22 Responses to “Girl Scout Thin Mints Vs. Keebler Grasshoppers”

  1. amyletinsky Says:

    Great idea! You also get to support a great organization by purchasing the box of Girl Scout cookies, which doesn’t exactly factor into taste, but perhaps overall satisfaction. I’m a big thin mint fan myself. Nice to know they’re still the tops.

  2. chef chick Says:

    Head to head girlscout battle! I love it! Really no elf can take down the young superhero that is a girlscout.

  3. Jennifer Says:

    OMG!!!! Girlscout’s VS Ernie the elf!!

  4. Cookie Buyer Says:

    Keebler makes both cookies. That’s probably why it is almost impossible to tell the difference between them:

  5. whats4lunch Says:

    I can tell a difference, and I believe the boxen I had were from ABC bakers, not Little Brownie.

    Thanks for the link.

  6. Bridget Says:

    I prefer the grasshoppers to thin mints. They’re cheaper, and I can get them whenever I want.

  7. I’ve fallen. But I’m going to get back up again! « Getting the family back to healthy Says:

    […] right? Well, upon closer inspection, the sound was coming from inside an unopened package of Grasshoppers.  Eat me.  What else was I to do???  I ate one.  And another one.  And one more.  And … […]

  8. Cristi Reiger Says:

    Yes, I agree Thin Mints taste good. I’ve never had the other. Obviously, neither is good for us. However, nobody has stated the obvious:

    We buy Girl Scout cookies to support the efforts of the Girl Scouts, and to pitch in with the training of girls and women to volunteer in their communities!!!

  9. Alex Says:

    Through the years GS cookies have gotten crappier as well as more expensive. I’ll go with the elf… and if both are made by Keebler, (which I doubt), then Ernie is REALLY ripping off the scouts since the taste is not half as good compared to the Grasshoppers.

  10. Support something other then the national obesity rate Says:

    After reading these posts I’ve concluded we have a lot of morons on our hands. We buy Girl Scout cookies to not only help our local communities but to also help put young girls through summer camp and other fun learning exercises, the same reason we buy popcorn and trash bags from the Boy Scouts. Part of the fees attached to the cost of the item is going to a much better cause.

    • aruba19 Says:

      After reading your post I concluded that if you really want to pay 3 times what these items are worth, then I wouldn’t be calling others “morons”, were I you.

  11. Stephenie Says:

    To blow all your minds away, Keebler and Little Brownie Bakers – the manufacturer of Girl Scout Cookies are both owned by the same parent company – Kellogg’s. It is no wonder Thin Mints and Grasshoppoers are so similar as well as Samoas and Coconut Dreams.

  12. ooooooooo Says:

    Girl scout cookies are much tastier. They copied samas too

  13. Don't Make Mountains Out of Molehills Says:

    Isn’t imitation the best form of flattery? As previously mentioned, they are likely made by the same company. Anyhow, it appears that the Girl Scouts have enough of a “cult following” that they won’t be in trouble because of similar cookies being sold year-round.

    When “cookie time” rolls around, I buy at least a couple boxes of GS cookies. The rest of the year, I choose not to “go without” and purchase Keebler. As long as the GS can keep their prices remotely close to others on the market, they shouldn’t have any troubles

  14. Harv Says:

    After I found out that only a small percentage of GS cookie sales actually goes to the local troop, I quit buying the overpriced cookies and just donate to the troop the amount I would have spent for cookies. They end up with more money, I end up with less waistline.

  15. DG Mint Thins do more than elves or GS ever dreamed Says:

    I used to love GS Thin Mints and deal with Grasshoppers, BUT better than both by far: Mint Thins from Dollar General. I can eat a sleeve of those before I leave the store and not know what happened. They are mintier, crunchier, sooo delicate and delectable and at less than $2 a box, I don’t know how they can afford to make them out of crack. Seriously, I am addicted these cookies. Buy them, everyone, so they continue production forever.

  16. Camp Supporter Says:

    Grasshoppers all the way! Both come from the same manufacturer and after all the scandal with the Girl Scouts not giving the money to the kids and liquidating all the camps, why would you not use your savings to directly donate to the kids! Unless you are all about supporting CEOs and salaries, I think the answer is pretty obvious 🙂

  17. Julio Says:

    little brownie baker (the girl scout baker) works with keebler

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